越南2011年鯰魚產量恐跌四成越南水產出口暨生產業者協會(VASEP)憂心,越南重要出口之一的鯰魚(tra fish)在價格巨幅波動及生產成本攀升壓力下引發漁民棄養潮,預估今年產量591恐暴跌四成。漁民將僅有能力生產90萬公噸的鯰魚,相當於36-38萬公噸的魚片。時價不斷飆漲的鯰魚,貨源短缺的情況恐將延續至5月初。相對湄公河三角洲的水產公司每公斤需付出史上酒店經紀最高的1.18美元,漁民每公斤利潤卻僅有0.25-0.30美元。VASEP鯰魚委員會指出,過去兩年鯰魚漁民借貸無門,價格再持續飆漲可能迫使鯰魚漁民轉行。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, 濾桶No. 5/2011,15 Mar. 2011)TRA FISH SUPPLY EXPECTED TO FALL 40% THIS YEARThe Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Processors (VASEP) reported that Vietnam’賣房子s tra fishoutput may drop 40% this year as farmers continue to turn away from the business. Farmers will only beable to produce 900,000 MT of tra fish, equivalent 汽車借款to about 360,000-380,000 MT of fillets. The shortage isexpected to last until early May and it has already driven prices up sharply.Seafood companies in the Mekong 東森房屋Delta are paying up to VND24,000 (US$1.18) per kilogram, the highestprice on record. Farmers now earn a profit of VND5,000-6,000 (US$0.25-0.30) per kilogram.An 太平洋房屋official in charge of the tra fish committee at VASEP, said higher prices could encourage tra fishfarmers who have quit to resume their business.Tra fish is one of 支票借款Vietnam’s key export products though the fish has discouraged some farmers due tofluctuation in prices and rising production costs. Many banks have refused to 賣屋offer loans to tra fish farmersfor the past two years.

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